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Bao US telex system SCR / GEN Accessories
      Promulgator :keler      Time:2016-03-01
Name Type
AC module 0522-2500-14
DC control module 0521-2500-23
Power Limit box PC14
Generator excitation plate PC11
Ground fault detection plate PC13
HOC power board PC3
Ammeter converter board PC12
AC active form 2000KW / AC, KILOWATTS
AC reactive kvarh Table 2000KVAR / AC, KILOVARS
AC voltmeter 0-750V / AC
AC ammeter 0-2000A / AC
Frequency Table 45 ~ 55HZ
Synchronous table SLOW-FAST, 120V
AC ground table 0 ~ 100% AC
DC Ground Table 100-0-100% DC
Single-phase rectifier bridge QL98M
Synchronization relay 9088800102 (Model PRS250)
Idling switch KLA1
Clean power T04
GEN running lights 9001KXPA1W (white)
GEN access lamp 9001KXPA1R (red)
GEN-containing light button 9001KXRB1A (yellow)
Power limit lamp 9001KXPA1A (yellow)
Ground test button 9001KR1BH8 (black)
Ground detection indicator PL-18V, 6W shade (colorless)
Instructions bulbs CML755,6.3V
Instructions bulbs CML757 28V 80MA
Instructions bulbs 130V (synchronized lights)
Instructions bulbs 18V, 6W (ground detection light)
LEDs - White P9XUIDD0
Indicator - Green P9XUVRD0
Indicator - Red P9XURRD0
Indicator - Yellow P9XUGDD0
Transformer T15
Transformer T07
Transformer T08
Transformer T10
Transformer T12
Transformer T13
Transformer T14
Transformer T11
SCR trigger pulse transformer DDB02-05-02M DDB02-50-0
Fuse LE-1076 107RSM, 600A, 700V
Fuse LE-1051 105RSM, 60A, 1000V
Fuse Z301552
Insurance, low-voltage fuse E300453
Power Plate PC01
Pulley cleat PC05, PC08
Solid state relay board PC15, PC16, PC17, PC18
Voltage feedback board PC02, PC06, PC07
Single-row LED board PC03
Double LED board PC04, PC20, PC21
DC voltmeter DB40
DC ammeter DB40
SCR running lights 9001KXPA1G
Surge suppression indicator 9001KXPA1R
Skid indicator 9001KXPA31A
Temperature control switch -SCR cabinet with RS 331-528 90 ℃
Temperature control switch -DWDB resistance box with RS 228-2529 250 ℃
SCR KP1800-25 / KP900-24
SCR cabinet fan YSK1500-2
Pulse transformer DDB02-05-02M
DC contactors 6702ED584
DC contactors CCZ38-1250 / 10
Bi-directional DC contactors CCZ38-1000 / 40
DC contactors CCZ38-1250 / 110
Hall transformer JKD-FC 1200A
Resistance (resistance-capacitance absorbing) RXGB-55 25R
Varistor MYL8-750 / 70
Lock button 9001KR1BH8
Power limit dial 0-100%
DC ammeter 0-2000ADC
Micro Switch V4F1L01C / YSL2-15C
Two switch CR104PSM21
Three switch CR104PSM36
Electroswitch twelve switch 508A451G43
Electroswitch car selector switch and synchronous switch 508A452G23
Electroswitch current switch 661A270G06
Given potentiometer RHS1K0
Pedal potentiometer BCW-25W / 59789-200
Foot switch assembly BM30026
Dial the current limit knob BM30027
Double potentiometer 0002-0390-12
Driller's control panel PC01T
RC absorption protection board PC1
Fault detection plate PC2
Winch operating handle V61.1LBKM /V61.1B1KM
Winch operating handle VV61LM
Siemens resistor HVR international 85301 15R0 ± 20%
Siemens resistor 2RJ637298
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